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Ressource TYCHE-Journal

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Adresse webhttp://tyche-journal.at/
DisciplinesEpigraphie, Papyrologie, histoire ancienne
PartenairesVerlag Holzhausen, universität wien
Nombre de partenaires5
DescriptionTYCHE is a scholarly journal based at the Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna. This journal of high academic reputation has been published since 1986 and contains (double-blind) peer-reviewed articles in German, English, French, Italian and Latin. The scientific focus lies on the whole range of antiquity from the beginnings of Greek history to Late antiquity. Emphasis is placed on the edition and interpretation of epigraphic and papyrological sources. The journal further includes papyrological (Korr. Tyche) and epigraphic (Adnotationes epigraphicae) miscellanea, a critical bibliography of Austrian epigraphy (Annona Epigraphica Austriaca) as well as a review section. In addition to the regular annual volumes TYCHE also issues monographic Supplement and Special Volumes.
TypeSite web
Nombre de revues1
Type d'accèsLibre
Flux RSSOui

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TYCHE-Journal 1 revue


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