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Ressource Universitatea VALAHIA din Targoviste

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NomUniversitatea VALAHIA din Targoviste
Adresse webhttps://www.annalesfsu.ro/siteeng/Historical_backgrownd.htm
Disciplinesarchéologie, histoire, préhistoire, patrimoine
DescriptionThe journal Annales d’Université Valahia Târgoviste. Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire has appeared since 1999, representing an opportunity to valorize the research work of the academic staff from the History-Archeology Department, and also a chance to valorize the research work of the young teaching staff who carry out their activity at the Research Centers accredited by CNCSIS – „Preistorie, arheologie interdisciplinara si conservarea patrimoniului cultural mobil”
TypeCatalogue éditeur
Type d'accèsInconnu

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Universitatea VALAHIA din Targoviste 1 revue


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