Ressource TUprints - TU Darmstadt publication service

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NomTUprints - TU Darmstadt publication service
Adresse web
Description"The institutional repository TUprints offers all members of TU Darmstadt the opportunity to publish scientific research papers as primary or secondary electronic publication.

[...] Advantages:

- Increased visibility of your research findings
- Long-term archiving
- Free of charge, quick and uncomplicated
- Permanent quotable URNs
- Integration of and cooperation with other network services
- Numerous features for instance author-ID and Creative Commons licenses
TypeBase de bibliographie
Type d'accèsLibre

Revues et abonnements

2 revues présentes dans Mir@bel signalent des accès en ligne sur cette ressource.

TUprints - TU Darmstadt publication service 2 revues


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Dernière modification : 28/07/2023 08:41 (accès en ligne : création). flux RSS